If the exam is not successfully passed, you will have to wait 90 days to retake the exam. The CSWE exam is meant to be the most challenging exam we offer, so therefore no sample exam is provided. Successfully passed at least four of the CSWP advanced topic exams (Sheet Metal, Weldments, Surfacing, Mold Tools, and Drawing Tools).To qualify to take the CSWE exam, a candidate must have:
To learn more about Digital Badges at Dassault Systèmes and their benefits to you, please visit this link. Please be sure to accept your digital badge by following the instructions included in the email you will receive from Acclaim. This certification includes a digital badge issued by Acclaim on behalf of Dassault Systèmes at the successful completion of the test. A CSWE is able to solve practically any modeling problem given to them, and is traditionally the go-to SOLIDWORKS user among their colleagues. A Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert is someone who easily demonstrates the ability to utilize advanced functions and features to solve complex modeling challenges.Ī CSWE will be well rounded in their knowledge of all areas of the SOLIDWORKS software.